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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Service T3 with Icon List


This is a WordPress Template designed with Elelementor.

Through this template, you can showcase the services you provide to your customers.

Once downloaded change the content as per your website specific.

These templates make your website design work very easy.

Happy Website Designing.

Follow the steps after purchasing below template files. 

  1. Once purchased the template, you can download the zip file.
  2. Save the downloaded zip file on your computer drive and unzip it. You will get json file and relevant images.
  3.  Open your website page and click on edit with elementor.
  4. Import the json file on your My Template section. To do that click on “+” on your page where you want to load this template. Then click on Add template and when new window appear click on import template. You will find this import tab at the top right of the window. Once clicked select the file and click on open. And the template json file will start reflecting on your My Template gallery.  Then click on insert and then apply.  And you will get the template on your page.
  5.  Some time images doesn’t get appeared with the template. But don’t worry, you have template images with you. Upload those images on your WP library and then insert them in the columns/ sections/ background or background overlay. Where ever the image location requires to be inserted.
  6. Template doesn’t get in stretched directly when uploaded because of Elementor default settings. But don’t worry, in that case click on the full width section in layout of the sections and done.
  7. Once you get the template on your page , change all the content & images in the template with your own website niche specific content & images and make this template your website specific.


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